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Thematic discussion forum about “Cognition” 20th January

Foto av trädkrona i Valvet.

Thematic forum: “Cognition” 20 January

The forum will give you an opportunity to discuss possible profile areas, exchange ideas and information and eventually find possible collaboration partners

The discussion forum will take place on Tuesday 20 January, 13:00-15:00. Place for the workhop is to be decided.

Our goal is to arrange a physical meeting, if due to corona restriction it is not possible it will be replaced by a zoom meeting.

Registration is closed: Thematic discussion forum: “cognition” 

December 23, 2021

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Thematic forum: “Materials” 18 January

Thematic forum: “Materials” 18 January

The forum will give you an opportunity to discuss possible profile areas, exchange ideas and information and eventually find possible collaboration partners

The discussion forum will take place on Tuesday 18 January, 13:00-15:00, Lokal.

Our goal is to arrange a physical meeting, if due to corona restriction it is not possible it will be replaced by a zoom meeting.

Registration for Thematic discussion forum: “Materials” is closed.

December 20, 2021

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Discussion meeting on a possible profile area in Computational Science

Trees reaching for the sky.

You are all invited to a discussion about a possible profile area within computational science. Computational science is to be broadly understood as doing (not specifically natural) science while using computational methods, including doing research on methods and software.

The goal of the meeting is to enable a group to move forward with a suggestion of such an area.

The meeting will start with a short introduction, followed by short presentations of 5-10 minutes about possible concepts of such a profile areas.

If you would like to give a short presentation, please advise one of the organisers.

Date: 12th of January 2022

Time: 15:15-17:00

Place: Over Zoom

Register for the discussion forum

Philipp Birken, Anders Irbäck, Leif Lönnblad and Oxana Smirnova

December 17, 2021

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Open discussion forum with no pre-set theme 14 December

As a part of the development of potential profile areas, Lund University will organise one or two open discussion forums with no pre-set theme. These discussion forums will be facilitated by KIA-consultancy (Internal consultants within Lund University).

The first open discussion forum will take place on Tuesday 14 December at 14.30 to 16.30 on-line via Zoom.  

When you register, we would like you to indicate your possible interest in one or several profile areas with some key words.

The forum will give you an opportunity to discuss possible profile areas, exchange ideas and eventually possible collaboration partners (depends on the participants).

Registration for: Open discussion forum with no pre-set theme 14 December (registration is now closed)

If the first forum is assessed as useful, the second forum will take place in the beginning of January.

During January arrangements will be made for a couple of thematic forums. Right now we are gathering input from the faculties about possible profile areas.

The discussion forums facilitated by KIA-consultancy are a way of stimulating the discussions about possible profile areas at Lund University, but there are of course other ways to develop ideas for profile areas. During later stages of the process all notifications of interest to become a profile area at Lund University will be treated the same way, regardless how they have been developed.

December 4, 2021

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The relationship between the Strategic Research Areas and the profile areas

By Erik Renström and Per Mickwitz

Based on the feedback that we have got during and after the information meeting on November 12th, there seems to be a lot of discussions about the relationship between the profile areas and the already existing Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) at Lund University. We would like to clarify the relationship between the two types of research environments.

The Strategic Research Areas

In 2008, the Swedish government initiated a program with 21 strategic research areas that universities, often in consortia, applied for. In 2010, 43 Strategic Research Areas (41 are functioning today) were established, after a call based on peer reviewed applications. The aims of the SRAs are to stimulate the development of new knowledge and excellent research environments of high societal relevance, with a link to education. Lund University was very successful, it got the task to coordinate 8 SRAs and became a partner in 3 SRAs coordinated by other universities.

Today, Lund University receives about 222 MSEK yearly in funding for the SRAs, which is about 10 % of the university’s block funding for research. Almost all SRAs involve research groups from several faculties, mostly 3 or 4. About 30% of all research publications by Lund University researchers have at least one author from an SRA (2020). The publications by SRA researchers are on average more cited than other publications by Lund University researchers.  

The Profile Areas

Lund University has just initiated a process of identifying profile areas. This process is based on the Swedish government’s announcement that it intends to finance profile areas at the universities. The objective of the new model is to promote high quality in research. The government has stated that it wants to promote strategic profiling and prioritisation of research with the best conditions for research of the highest international quality. A profile area is to cover research, external engagement with wider society and education in a cohesive knowledge environment of high quality. Based on the current governmental plans Lund University will have the possibility to apply for funding for five profile areas.

The connection between Strategic Research Areas and profile areas at Lund University

At Lund University we see the SRAs and the profile areas as two separate types of research environments. The profile areas will not be based on the SRAs, but at the same time the research groups that are part of the SRAs are not excluded from being involved in profiling areas.

Some clear differences between the SRAs and the profile areas at Lund university are:

  • Lund University is involved in 11 SRAs, but there will only be 5 profile areas.

  • The SRAs were formed based on applications written in 2009 on topics decided by the Swedish government in 2008. The profile areas will be decided in 2022 by Lund University, in relation to criteria decided by the government and research councils.

  • The SRAs are research environments with the aim to foster world-leading research, in selected areas, to the economic and societal benefit of Sweden. The profile areas will be full knowledge environments with research, external engagement with wider society and education selected by the universities.

Lund University foresees a future where both profile areas and SRAs will be visible and important research environments that will strengthen the university.

November 25, 2021

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Next meeting for profile areas on 3 December

Illustrative image of the university building.

The next meeting will be on 3 December at 12.15-13.15. It is an open meeting (on-line) with Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz. He will present the process for notification of interests to become a profile area at Lund University. There will be opportunities to ask questions.

Register for the meeting

Confirmation of the registration and zoom-link will be sent to your e-mail (check spam/trash if you do not receive a confirmation).

November 25, 2021

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Notify interest in becoming a profile area at Lund University

Illustrative image of the university building.

On 18 November, the Vice-Chancellor decided that Lund University will begin work on profiling and guidelines for the work. On 22 November, Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz has decided on the process for this work in accordance with the principles decided by the Vice-Chancellor. The process is described in the management rules for notifying interests to become a profile area at Lund University. It is open to everyone to notify interest and this is done according to Appendix 1 of the management rules. The last day to notify interest is 15 March 2022 at 14.00.

Link to: Decision and management rules.


Möjlighet att anmäla intresse för att bli profilområde vid Lunds universitet

Rektor har den 18 november fattat beslut om att Lunds universitet ska inleda arbetet med profilering och riktlinjer för arbetet. Den 22 november har vicerektor Per Mickwitz beslutat om processen för detta arbete i enlighet med de riktlinjer rektor beslutat om. Processen finns beskriven i hanteringsordning för intresseanmälan om profilområden vid Lunds universitet. Det är öppet för alla att anmäla intresse och det görs i enlighet med bilaga 1 i hanteringsordningen. Sista dag för att anmäla intresse är den 15 mars 2022 kl 14.00.

Se rektorsbeslut och hanteringsordning från further reading.

November 22, 2021

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See the video of the meeting 12 November

Screenshot from the video of the meeting.

Video from the meeting on Profile Areas at Lund University, 12 November 2021

On 12 November 2021 an information meeting on profiling at Lund University was held. The meeting was held on-line and was open to all staff. Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström started by presenting profiling at Lund University. Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz continued by presenting the process for notification of interest to become a profile area and criteria at Lund University.

A question and answer-session followed, where all incoming questions were answered live by the vice-chancellor and pro vice-chancellor. The meeting ended with vice-chancellor summing up next steps in the process on identifying profile areas at Lund University.


Inspelad video från mötet om profilområden vid Lunds universitet, 12 november 2021

Den 12 november 2021 hölls ett informationsmöte om profilområden vid Lunds universitet. Mötet hölls online och var öppet för alla medarbetare. Rektor Erik Renström inledde med en presentation om profilering på Lunds universitet. Vicerektor Per Mickwitz fortsatte med att presentera processen för att anmäla intresse för att bli ett profilområde vid Lund universitet.

Efter presentationerna följde en frågestund, där alla deltagare kunde ställa frågor. Alla inkommande frågor besvarades under mötet av rektor och vicerektor. Mötet avslutades med att rektor summerade vilka steg som följer i den fortsatta processen med att identifiera profilområden vid Lunds universitet.

Mötet hölls på engelska, men textning finns på svenska, gå in under inställningar och välj undertext.

November 18, 2021

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The first meeting has taken place

The first meeting about the profile areas at Lund University was arranged the 12 November on-line. Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström presented profiling at Lund University and Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz presented the process for notification of interest to become a profile area and criteria at Lund University.

After the introduction there was time for questions. A lot of questions were put and the answers to them will be able to see in the video from the meeting, that will be published on this blog soon. Some of the questions will also be answered under the FAQ (in a few days).

See the powerpoint presentation from the Information meeting the 12 November.

General questions and answers about profile areas at LU, can be found under “About the profile areas”.

November 16, 2021

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Welcome to a meeting on the University’s profile areas – 12 November

It is time for Lund University’s profile areas to take shape!

Lund University is now beginning the process of identifying profile areas. The aim is to find five very strong areas that include research, education and external engagement. The University Management sees opportunities for Lund University to obtain a considerable share of the government’s planned investment in profile areas totalling SEK 500 million. The University has previous experience of creating strong research environments and we can also apply insights learned from the RQ20 research evaluation. The University’s potential, breadth and collaborations will be illuminated in the plan that we present, and we also see great opportunities for the profile areas to attract external funding.

The deadline for notification of interest to become a profile area is 15 March 2022. We look forward to the forthcoming process in the lead-up to the application.

You are welcome to take part in the first information meeting on 12 November
12:00-13:00. You register for the information meeting here.

Best regards
Erik Renström, vice-chancellor
Per Mickwitz, pro vice-chancellor for research, campus development and sustainability

November 5, 2021

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