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Profile areas: at Lund University, work continues – no word from the Government

Since Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström made the decision about Lund University’s five profile areas, a lot of work has been done. Thus far, most of it has not been visible from the outside, but this is about to change.

When, how and if the national call for profile areas will take place is still not clear. The budget bill provided no clear answers. On 22 November, the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions arranged a seminar called “Sharing experiences around the higher education institutionswork on profile areas,” in which most universities participated. No one had any more information about the national call for profile areas than we do at Lund University. It was interesting to note that most higher education institutions had reached decisions about profile areas or had come a long way in the process of doing so. Another fascinating observation was that 25 of the 37 participants responded that “the process around the application has been useful regardless of whether it brings results” with the remaining ten replying that it was “good if something comes of it” or “only good if it ends up being a lot of money.” Only two participants considered the process a waste of time and resources.

During the autumn, a lot of discussions have taken place about how the profile areas are to be led and managed. These discussions resulted in 16 Vice-Chancellor’s decisions on 1 December. In these decisions, the regulations, board (Table 1) coordinator, deputy coordinator and one or more assistant coordinators (Table 2) for each profile area are approved.

Table 1. Boards for Lund University’s profile areas (will also include student representatives)

Human RightsLight and materialNaturlig och artificiell kognitionProaktivt åldrandeNaturbaserade framtidslösningar
EHLVicedekan Martin Blom  Prorektor Maria StanforsVicerektor Ulf Johansson
HTProdekan Barbara Törnquist-Plewa Dekan Johannes Persson (ordf.)  
JDekan Eva Ryrstedt  Universitetslektor Lena Wahlberg 
KDekan Sanimir Resic Vicedekan Karin JohanssonProdekan Staffan Storm 
LTHRektor Annika Olsson (ordf.)Prorektor Heiner LinkeProfessor Per RunessonUniversitetslektor Per-Olof HedvallPrefekt Lars J. Nilsson
MVicedekan Heiko HerwaldVicedekan Lena Eliasson (ordf.)Vicedekan Karin JirströmProdekan Martin L. OlssonVicedekan Heiko Herwald
N Professor Stacey Ristinmaa SörensenUniversitetslektor Erik WahlénProfessor Charlotta TurnerProfessor Daniel Conley
SProdekan Agnes Andersson-Djurfeldt Dekan Christofer Edling,Dekan Christofer Edling (ordf.)Vicedekan Anna Meeuwisse (ordf.)
MAX IV Director Olof Karis   
Extern ledamot 1Vicerektor Rebecka Lettevall, Malmö universitetVD Märta Lewander-Xu, GasporoxBoard Director Charlotta FalvinOmsorgsdirektör Annika Andersson, Helsingborgs stadFöreståndare Line Gordon, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Extern ledamot 2Direktör Morten Kjaerum, Raoul Wallenberg institutetResearch, Technology, and Business Executive Björn Ekelund, Ericsson ResearchBusiness Development Manager Anna Hall, Alfa LavalChief Scientific Officer, Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer Inc.Prefekt Julia Leventon, Global Change Research Institute, CAS

Table 2. Coordinators, deputy and assistant coordinators for Lund University’s profile areas

 Mänskliga rättigheterLjus och materialNaturlig och artificiell kognitionProaktivt åldrandeNaturbaserade framtids- lösningar
Koordinatorprofessor Lena Halldenius (HT)professor Tönu Pullerits (N)professor Karl Åström (LTH)professor Susanne Iwarsson (M)professor Henrik Smith (N)
Ställföre-trädande koordinatorprofessor Jessica Almqvist (J)professor Christelle Prinz (LTH)professor Marianne Gullberg (HT)professor Oskar Hansson (M)professor Emily Boyd (S)
Biträdande koordinatorprofessor Jessica Almqvist (J) professor Hanna Bäck (S)professor Oskar Hansson (M)professor Emily Boyd (S)
Biträdande koordinatorprofessor Anette Agardh (M) professor Melvyn B. Davies (N)professor Hanna Isaksson (LTH)universitetslektor Paul Miller (N)
Biträdande koordinatoruniversitetslektor Martin Andersson (EHL)    

The profile areas have also been working on the foundations for communication and follow-up. Websites for each profile area will be published soon. From the start of next year, following the development of the profile areas will be easier once the profile areas’ members have been entered into a hub of their own in LUCAT. This is in order to link the profile areas’ research results with the research information system LUCRIS, and to enable publication on the University’s research portal. Measures to facilitate following up of the finance system have also been taken. From the beginning of 2023, we will be able to systematically follow what the profile areas produce, and we will have channels through which to share this information.

När, hur och om den nationella utlysningen om profilområden kommer är fortfarande oklart. Budgetpropositionen gav inget tydligt svar. Den 22 november ordnade Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund (SUHF) ett seminarium Erfarenhetsutbyte kring lärosätenas arbete med profilområden där de flesta universiteten och högskolorna deltog. Ingen hade då mera information om den nationella utlysningen än vad vi har på Lunds universitet. Intressant var att de flesta lärosätena hade fattat beslut om profilområden, eller hade kommit långt i processen med att ta fram profilområden. En annan fascinerande iakttagelse var att 25 av de 37 deltagarna svarade att ”processen kring ansökan har varit nyttig oavsett om det blir något” och av de övriga svarade 10 att det var ”bra om det genomförs” eller ”bra bara om det blir mycket pengar”. Bara två deltagare ansåg att det varit slöseri med tid och resurser.  

Profilområden: på Lunds universitet är det verkstad, från regeringen är det tyst

Sedan rektor Erik Renström fattade beslut om Lunds universitets fem profilområden har mycket arbete gjorts. Hittills har det mesta inte synts utåt, men detta kommer snart att ändras.

Under hösten har många diskussioner förts om hur profilområdena ska styras och förvaltas. Dessa diskussioner resulterade i sexton rektorsbeslut den första december. I dessa rektorsbeslut fastställs varje profilområdes föreskrifter, styrelse (tabell 1) koordinator, ställföreträdande koordinator och en eller flera biträdande koordinatorer (tabell 2). 

Tabell 1. Styrelserna för Lunds universitets profilområden (studentrepresentanter kommer också att ingå)

Mänskliga rättigheterLjus och materialNaturlig och artificiell kognitionProaktivt åldrandeNaturbaserade framtidslösningar
EHLVicedekan Martin Blom  Prorektor Maria StanforsVicerektor Ulf Johansson
HTProdekan Barbara Törnquist-Plewa Dekan Johannes Persson (ordf.)  
JDekan Eva Ryrstedt  Universitetslektor Lena Wahlberg 
KDekan Sanimir Resic Vicedekan Karin JohanssonProdekan Staffan Storm 
LTHRektor Annika Olsson (ordf.)Prorektor Heiner LinkeProfessor Per RunessonUniversitetslektor Per-Olof HedvallPrefekt Lars J. Nilsson
MVicedekan Heiko HerwaldVicedekan Lena Eliasson (ordf.)Vicedekan Karin JirströmProdekan Martin L. OlssonVicedekan Heiko Herwald
N Professor Stacey Ristinmaa SörensenUniversitetslektor Erik WahlénProfessor Charlotta TurnerProfessor Daniel Conley
SProdekan Agnes Andersson-Djurfeldt Dekan Christofer Edling,Dekan Christofer Edling (ordf.)Vicedekan Anna Meeuwisse (ordf.)
MAX IV Direktör Olof Karis   
Extern ledamot 1Vicerektor Rebecka Lettevall, Malmö universitetVD Märta Lewander-Xu, GasporoxBoard Director Charlotta FalvinOmsorgsdirektör Annika Andersson, Helsingborgs stadFöreståndare Line Gordon, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Extern ledamot 2Direktör Morten Kjaerum, Raoul Wallenberg institutetResearch, Technology, and Business Executive Björn Ekelund, Ericsson ResearchBusiness Development Manager Anna Hall, Alfa LavalChief Scientific Officer, Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer Inc.Prefekt Julia Leventon, Global Change Research Institute, CAS

Tabell 2. Koordinatorer, ställföreträdande och biträdande koordinatorer för Lunds universitets profilområden

 Mänskliga rättigheterLjus och materialNaturlig och artificiell kognitionProaktivt åldrandeNaturbaserade framtids- lösningar
Koordinatorprofessor Lena Halldenius (HT)professor Tönu Pullerits (N)professor Karl Åström (LTH)professor Susanne Iwarsson (M)professor Henrik Smith (N)
Ställföre-trädande koordinatorprofessor Jessica Almqvist (J)professor Christelle Prinz (LTH)professor Marianne Gullberg (HT)professor Oskar Hansson (M)professor Emily Boyd (S)
Biträdande koordinatorprofessor Jessica Almqvist (J) professor Hanna Bäck (S)professor Oskar Hansson (M)professor Emily Boyd (S)
Biträdande koordinatorprofessor Anette Agardh (M) professor Melvyn B. Davies (N)professor Hanna Isaksson (LTH)universitetslektor Paul Miller (N)
Biträdande koordinatoruniversitetslektor Martin Andersson (EHL)    

Profilområdena har också arbetat med att lägga grunden för kommunikation och uppföljning. Inom kort kommer webbsidor för varje profilområde att publiceras på

Från och med årsskiftet blir det enklare att följa profilområdenas utveckling, då ska profilområdenas medlemmar ha lagts in i en egen nod i LUCAT. Detta för att kunna koppla forskningsresultaten till profilområdena i forskningsinformationssystemet LUCRIS och möjliggöra publicering av vad profilområdena åstadkommit i universitetets forskningsportal. Åtgärder för uppföljning i ekonomisystemet har också vidtagits. Från och med början av 2023 kommer vi att systematiskt kunna följa vad profilområdena producerar och vi kommer att ha kanaler för att dela denna information.

December 12, 2022


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Survey on the process of notification to become a profile area at Lund University

A pink flower in front of a bunch of yellow flowers.

During the period November 2021 – March 2022, the Lund University Management invited researchers to submit a notification of interest to become a profile area at Lund University.

The next round of identifying additional profile areas will be initiated during 2023. The University’s process of selecting profile areas will be further developed. Your answer to this survey will be an important input to this process.

The first process of identifying profile areas was open to all researchers. Information could be found on this blog.

The management order specified criteria for Lund University’s profile areas. The aim for Lund University was to utilise its strengths in the best possible way to create profile areas that will be successful in the application for national quality-based research funding, as well as contributing to moving the University’s research, education and external engagement forwards. 24 notifications of interest were submitted by the university’s researchers. On 23 June 2022, the University appointed five profile areas for the period 2022-2030. The five profile areas are:

  • Human Rights in a Polarised World
  • Light and Materials – from fundamental understanding to industrial and societal needs
  • Natural and Artificial Cognition: 1, 2, many.
  • Proactive Ageing: Brain & Movement – from molecular changes to engagement with life and society
  • Sustainable Solutions in the Climate Change – Biodiversity – Social Nexus – ClimBioSis   

The survey is open until 30 October.

To the survey.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions!

September 29, 2022


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More information about Lund University’s five profile areas

In Swedish below.

Question 1: What will the profile areas do?

All five profile areas are based on excellent research, with a distinct profile compared to what is done at other universities in Sweden and internationally. They all have ambitious plans for the future for which they utilise the breadth of Lund University. They have extensive collaboration with external partners and their research is linked to present education complemented with plans for new courses.

Below the focus of each profile area is summarised in a couple of sentences.

Human Rights in a Polarised World

The profile area will consolidate and dynamically develop Lund University’s standing as a unique hub for cross-disciplinary human rights research and education. As a field of study, human rights addresses challenges related to democracy, civil society, conflicts, disasters,
migration, health, gender, religion and new technologies. In an increasingly polarised world, where democracy is threatened by authoritarianism, and violence and inequalities are widespread and growing, the concerted effort at Lund University to study and promote human rights as effective tools for justice is more urgent than ever.

Light and Materials – from fundamental understanding to industrial and societal needs

The profile area will harness the recent dramatic progress in our ability to measure and control light and materials, to substantially improve our understanding of the natural world and use this to create technologies that will enable a sustainable and healthy society. In Lund, we have a unique opportunity to work in this area with the combined expertise and facilities gathering at Science Village Scandinavia and around.

Natural and Artificial Cognition: 1, 2, many

The profile area will develop an understanding of cognition for natural and artificial systems and develop artificial cognition in terms of software and systems. Cognition means the process of sensing, processing, and sharing information, leading up to observable behaviour. The profile area will also aim at understanding the complex consequences of collective behaviour for both the natural and artificial entities and address challenges connected with the large-scale automation of society.

Proactive Ageing: Brain & Movement – from molecular changes to engagement with life and society

The profile area will develop transdisciplinary health promotive approaches towards proactive ageing, focusing on maintaining cognitive functions and musculoskeletal health as prerequisites for activity and participation. The profile area will determine measures for an early identification of individuals at risk, using both economic, social and biological markers, and aim to identify and utilise windows of opportunity for proactive preventive measures to improve health and quality of life for future generations of older people.

Sustainable Solutions in the Climate Change – Biodiversity – Society Nexus – ClimBioSis

The profile area will focus on ecosystem-based approaches which offer an integrative and systemic framework that contends that mobilising ecosystem processes for climate mitigation and adaptation can create co-benefits for biodiversity and societies. Translating such approaches into viable social and political strategies requires that they are underpinned by science able to identify and quantify relevant trade-offs and synergies. These relationships critically depend on human and societal interactions.

Question 2: Which faculties are involved in which profile areas?

Typical for the five profile areas is that several faculties are involved (see Figure 1 below). All faculties, except the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, are participating in at least two profile areas and the Faculty of Engineering, LTH and the Faculty of Medicine, are involved in all five profile areas The University Management is committed to work with the profile areas in order to ensure that researchers from the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts are included in at least one profile area, in order to utilise this unique expertise at Lund University.

Figure 1. The involvement of the faculties in the five profile areas.

Question 3: Who are the contact persons for the profile areas?

Below is a list of contact persons for each profile area. However, it should be noted that all profile areas are developed by and organised around groups of strong researchers rather than just one individual.

“Human Rights in a Polarised World”, contact person is professor Lena Halldenius (

“Light and Materials – from fundamental understanding to industrial and societal needs”, contact person is professor Tönu Pullerits (

“Natural and Artificial Cognition: 1, 2, many”, contact person is professor Kalle Åström (

“Proactive Ageing: Brain & Movement – from molecular changes to engagement with life and society”, contact person is professor Susanne Iwarsson (

“Sustainable Solutions in the Climate Change-Biodiversity-Society Nexus – ClimBioSis”, contact person is professor Henrik Smith (

/ Per Mickwitz, Pro vice-chancellor

Mer information om universitetets fem profilområden

Cirklar med de olika profilomårdena som går in i varandra.
Illustration av Catrin Jakobsson.

Nyheten om att universitetet har fattat beslut om fem profilområden, har väckt stort intresse. Här kommer lite mer information om de fem profilområdena som svar på de vanligaste frågorna: Vad ska profilområdena göra? Vilka fakulteter är involverade? Och vilka är kontaktpersonerna?

Mer information om profilområdena kommer att publiceras på denna blogg under hösten.

Fråga 1: Vad ska profilområdena göra?

Samtliga fem profilområden bygger på excellent forskning med en tydlig profil jämfört med vad som görs vid andra lärosäten i Sverige och internationellt. De har alla ambitiösa framtidsplaner och drar nytta av Lunds universitets bredd. Profilområdena har också god samverkan med externa samarbetspartners och deras forskning är kopplad till befintlig utbildning, kompletterat med planer på nya kurser.

Här följer en kort sammanfattning av varje profilområde:

Mänskliga rättigheter i en polariserad värld

Profilområdet kommer att befästa och dynamiskt utveckla Lunds universitets ställning som ett unikt nav för tvärvetenskaplig forskning och utbildning om mänskliga rättigheter. Inom forskningsområdet Mänskliga rättigheter ingår frågor relaterade till demokrati, civilsamhälle, konflikter, katastrofer, migration, hälsa, genus, religion och ny teknik. I en alltmer polariserad värld, där demokratin hotas av auktoritära maktsystem och våld och där ojämlikheterna är stora och växande, är Lunds universitets kraftsamling för att undersöka och stärka mänskliga rättigheter som effektiva verktyg för rättvisa, mer angelägen än någonsin.

Ljus och material – från grundläggande förståelse till industriella och samhälleliga behov

Profilområdet kommer att dra nytta av de senaste spännande framstegen i vår förmåga att mäta och kontrollera ljus och material, för att väsentligt förbättra vår förståelse för den naturliga världen. Med hjälp av denna förståelse ska man skapa teknik som möjliggör ett hållbart och hälsosamt samhälle. Lunds universitet har en unik möjlighet att forska inom detta område tack vare den samlade kompetens som finns och de anläggningar som samlas i och runt Science Village Scandinavia.

Naturlig och artificiell kognition: 1, 2, många

Profilområdet kommer att utveckla kunskap om kognition hos naturliga och artificiella system och utveckla artificiell kognition i form av programvara och system. Med kognition menar vi här de processer inom perception, kunskapsbearbetning och kommunikation som leder fram till observerbart beteende. Detta profilområde har också som syfte att förstå de komplexa konsekvenserna av kollektivt beteende hos naturliga och artificiella enheter samt att ta itu med de utmaningar som kan uppkomma i samband med storskalig automatisering av samhället.

Proaktivt åldrande: Hjärna och rörelse – från molekylära förändringar till engagemang i livet och samhället

Profilområdet kommer att utveckla tvärvetenskapliga och gränsöverskridande hälsofrämjande strategier för proaktivt åldrande, med fokus på att upprätthålla kognitiva funktioner och muskuloskeletal hälsa som förutsättningar för aktivitet och delaktighet. Profilområdet kommer att fastställa faktorer för tidig identifiering av individer i riskzonen, med hjälp av ekonomiska, sociala och biologiska markörer. Målet är att identifiera och utnyttja möjligheter för proaktiva förebyggande åtgärder för att förbättra hälsa och livskvalitet för kommande generationer av äldre.

Hållbara lösningar som gynnar klimat, biologisk mångfald och samhälle

Profilområdet fokuserar på de möjligheter till synergier och risk för konflikter som finns mellan klimatlösningar och åtgärder för att bevara biologisk mångfald, och vilka konsekvenser och möjligheter som sådana lösningar har för samhället och människors välbefinnande. Forskarna ska fokusera på ekosystembaserade lösningar som mobiliserar naturliga ekosystemprocesser, för att samtidigt hantera klimatförändringar och förlust av biologisk mångfald och de möjligheter sådana lösningar medför när det gäller att skapa ett socialt och ekonomiskt hållbart samhälle.

Fråga 2: Vilka fakulteter är involverade i vilka profilområden?

Typiskt för de fem profilområdena är att flera fakulteter är inblandade (se figur nedan). Alla fakulteter, utom Konstnärliga fakulteten, deltar i minst två profilområden, LTH och Medicinska fakulteten är involverade i samtliga fem profilområden. Universitetsledningen ska tillsammans med profilområdena arbeta för att forskare från Konstnärliga fakulteten också inkluderas i minst ett profilområde, för att tillvara denna unika kompetens vid Lunds universitet.

Fakulteternas involvering i de fem profilområdena.

Fråga 3: Vilka är profilområdenas kontaktpersoner?

Nedan listas varje profilområdes kontaktperson. Men bakom varje profilområden står en grupp av starka forskare, snarare än bara en enskild individ.

“Mänskliga rättigheter i en polariserad värld”, kontaktperson är professor Lena Halldenius (

“Ljus och material – från grundläggande förståelse till industriella och samhälleliga behov”, kontaktperson är professor Tönu Pullerits (

“Naturlig och artificiell kognition: 1, 2, flera”, kontaktperson är professor Kalle Åström (

“Proaktivt åldrande: Hjärna och rörelse – från molekylära förändringar till engagemang med liv och samhälle”, kontaktperson är professor Susanne Iwarsson (

“Hållbara lösningar i klimatförändringarna – biologisk mångfald – society nexus – ClimBioSis”, kontaktperson är professor Henrik Smith (

June 30, 2022


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Lund University has appointed five profile areas for 2022-2030

The different profile areas in circles connected with each others.

On 23 June, Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström decided that Lund University will have five profile areas for the period 2022-2030. The profile areas are:

  • Human Rights in a Polarised World
  • Light and Materials – from fundamental understanding to industrial and societal needs
  • Natural and Artificial Cognition: 1, 2, many.
  • Proactive Ageing: Brain & Movement – from molecular changes to engagement with life and society
  • Sustainable Solutions in the Climate Change – Biodiversity – Social Nexus – ClimBioSis

The selection of these five profile areas is the result of a long process. Following the announcement in the Swedish research bill in December 2020 that funding will be allocated to profile areas, the Vice-Chancellor’s Management Council started to discuss profile areas in February 2021. In March 2021, the RQ20 report was published, which among other things stated that Lund university should be better at using its full potential for interdisciplinary research. According to RQ20 the University needs to highlight excellence and develop strategic research environments. Following extensive discussions, an internal call for notifications of interest in becoming a profile area at Lund University was published in November 2021.

Of the 24 notifications of interest submitted, 11 were invited for interviews by a panel and asked to submit supplementary information on research, external engagement, societal impact and education. The panel consisted of one dean or vice dean per faculty, student representatives and three international “critical friends”[i] with myself as chair. During May 30th and 31st the panel interviewed representatives for the 11 proposed profile areas. On June 1st, the panel jointly reflected on the interviews and assessed each proposal.

Besides grading each proposal, the panel made some general observations worth mentioning also here. “The panel was impressed by the high quality of the research in the proposed profile areas.” All proposals were graded possible, good or excellent as profile areas for Lund University, that is 3, 4 or 5, on a scale from 1 to 5.

The panel stated that it “noticed a generally strong interest in collaboration across disciplinary and faculty borders with different degrees of maturity.”  It recommended that “the University and the faculties should work together to enhance the possibilities for interdisciplinary and cross-faculty collaboration in both research and education.” More specifically, the panel recommended “Lund University to continue with a process of defining and supporting profile areas.” Since also the deans and Lund University management sees a lot of potential in many of the proposals that were not selected this time, the Vice-Chancellor has today decided to give me that task to further develop the University’s process of selecting profile areas, so that the next round can be initiated in 2023. 

While the University Management will emphasize profile areas and interdisciplinary research a lot during the years ahead in line with the recommendations in RQ20, most research will continue to take place in other research environments. Lund University will, through its faculties and departments, continue to support disciplinary research and research outside the profile areas and work to further develop its quality.

Going back to the five selected profile areas. They are all based on excellent research, with a distinct profile compared to what is done at other universities in Sweden or abroad. They all have ambitious plans for the future. They can show great collaboration with external partners and they have extensive connections to present education complemented with plans for new courses. Typical for the five profile areas is that several faculties are involved (4-6 per profile area). All faculties, except the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, are participating in at least two profile areas. The University Management is committed to work with the profile areas in order to ensure that researchers from the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts are included in at least one profile area, in order to utilize this unique expertise at Lund University.

The five profile areas have today been assigned some resources to further develop and consolidate their work, but also to work together to form an integrated base for Lund University’s application for the national call foreseen in 2023. During the autumn, we will also jointly with the faculties, develop the governance and financial model for the profile areas.

Many researchers put a lot of efforts into initiating and developing the notifications. We should all work together to take advantage of the ideas, contacts and collaborations that emerged from this process. With we, I mean the University Management (me included), the faculties and the researchers involved. But, before we take on this task, I hope we will all have a relaxing summer.

/Per Mickwitz, Pro Vice-Chancellor.

[i] The three critical friends were: professor Heikki Mannila, Aalto University, professor Jens Oddershede, University of Southern Denmark, and professor Reinhilde Veugelers, KU Leuven

June 23, 2022


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First selection for profile areas completed with 11 applications to be summoned for interview

illustrative image
Vase made of Murano glass

On 15 March, 24 notifications of interest had been submitted. These submissions have now been evaluated by me, in collaboration with the deans. The assessment was based on Lund University’s criteria for the profile areas.

During the late autumn and winter, all researchers at the University were invited to submit notifications of interest in becoming profile areas. The criteria concern the research, the researchers, external engagement and education. We have reviewed the current situation for all the areas, but also assessed their ambitions.

Prioritisation of the notifications of interest was discussed in the Vice-Chancellor’s Management Council with all the deans, both on 31 March and on 13 April 2022. On the basis of these prioritisations, the proposed profile areas were divided into two groups: group 1, to be summoned for interview for a more in-depth assessment and group 2, which will not proceed.

The notifications of interest contained many exciting ideas for new and unique research, external engagement and education. The notifications of interest also showed clearly how many world-leading research teams there are at Lund University.

On 30-31 May and 1 June 2022, representatives of the proposed profile areas will be interviewed for a more in-depth assessment by a panel. The panel will consist of the deans, student representatives, external professors and myself.

We have chosen not to publish which profile areas who have been chosen for the next phase. This is because the process has not yet been completed and that we want to give those who have produced interesting proposals, which are not selected to next phase, an opportunity to decide for themselves if, when and how they inform about this. But also because we want to keep this phase internal and publish more when we know more (the university websites and blogs are open to everyone, even people outside the university).

/Per Mickwitz


Första urvalet till profilområde klart, elva ansökningar går vidare

Elva av de 24 intresseanmälningarna som inkommit kommer att gå vidare till nästa fas och kontaktpersonerna kommer att bjudas in till intervju.

Bedömningen har utgått från Lunds universitets kriterier för profilområden. Kriterierna gäller forskningen, forskarna, samverkan och utbildning. För samtliga områden har den nuvarande situationen och ambitionerna utvärderats.

Prioriteringen av intresseanmälningarna har diskuterats i rektors ledningsråd med alla dekaner både den 31 mars och den 13 april 2022. Utifrån rådets prioriteringar har de föreslagna profilområdena delats in i två grupper: Grupp 1 som kommer att kallas till intervju för fördjupad bedömning och grupp 2 som inte går vidare.

Intresseanmälningarna innehöll många spännande idéer till ny och unik forskning, samverkan och utbildning. De visade också klart hur många världsledande forskningsgrupper det finns på Lunds universitet.

Den 30–31 maj och den 1 juni 2022 kommer företrädare för de föreslagna profilområdena intervjuas för fördjupad bedömning av en panel. Panelen består av dekanerna, studentrepresentanter, externa professorer och mig.

Vi har i dagsläget valt att inte publicera namnen på de som har gått vidare. Detta på grund av att processen ännu inte är avslutad och att vi vill ge de som har tagit fram intressanta förslag, som inte går vidare, en möjlighet att själva bestämma om, när och hur de informerar om detta. Men också för att vi vill hålla denna fas internt och publicerar mer när vi har vet vilka profilområden som går vidare (universitetets webbplatser och bloggar är öppna för alla, även folk utanför universitetet).

/Per Mickwitz

April 27, 2022


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Revised timetable

illsutrative image of leaves.

The timetable for Lund University´s processing of notifications of interest in becoming a profile area has been revised on 18 March 2022, see the updated version under Timetable.

The management rules have aslo been updated, see the new version.

Although we have not received any certain information yet, we foresee that the deadline for the universities to submit their applications will be postponed, which is why we have updated our internal timetable.

The main change are new dates for the panel meeting to evaluate the notifications of interest. This will give the university management and the deans more time to discuss which potential profile areas to invite to the interviews. The related dates have consequently been changed.

If you have any questions, please contact Tina Trollås, Research Services.

March 18, 2022


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Lund university received 26 pre-notifications for profile areas

Trees reaching for the sky.

February 15th was the deadline to make pre-notifications with the preliminary title and a contact person of proposed profile areas. We received 26 pre-notifications. Based on the preliminary titles, the 26 proposed profile areas that are being developed cover the breadth of the university very well. They contain many expected topics in which Lund University has a strong track-record, but also some welcome surprises. These 26 pre-notifications constitute a great base for the next steps in the process.

Next the full notifications of interest in becoming a profile area at Lund University are to be developed by the teams that have submitted their pre-notifications. The deadline for the notifications of interest is March 15th at 14.00. In order to make sure that everybody has the information they need, to complete their notifications of interests, we will in early March have an information and discussion meeting with all 26 contact persons that have submitted pre-notifications. See timetable.

After we have received the notifications of interest on March 15th a process of assessing the notifications and discussing them with the faculties and the Lund University management, will follow. This process will involve judgement of the individual notifications, but also an assessment of which combinations of profile areas are seen as best serving Lund University as a whole. After the notifications have been submitted the process will be characterized by dialogue and interactivity. Some potential profile areas may be asked to combine their notifications and some might be asked to complement their notifications of interest.

From what we know today, Lund University will be allowed to include 5 profile areas in our application. Meanwhile, until we decide which 5 profile areas to include in Lund University’s application, up to 10 of the suggested profile areas will receive some support to develop further and consolidate their work.

Finally, as I wrote in my previous blog post (at the national level the funding of profile areas has moved forward), the Swedish government has given the Swedish Research Council and the other major research funding agencies the task to further develop how funding of profile areas could be implemented. This work might change the time schedule, the number of profile areas Lund University can include in the application, the specific criteria for profile areas or the weight of the criteria. We are following this process closely and we might adapt our process when we get more information. However, before the deadline for the notifications of interest to become profile areas on March 15th we do not foresee any changes in the process at Lund University.

Per Mickwitz

February 17, 2022

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At the national level the funding of profile areas has moved forward

Photo of green leaves.

On January 13th the Swedish government (U2022/00168) gave the Swedish Research Council and the other major research funders (Forte, Formas and Vinnova) the task to further develop how funding of profile areas could be implemented based on their proposal from 2021 (U2021/02882).

On January 18th the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) organized an information and discussion meeting about the task. The general sentiment was that the new task provided surprisingly little direction for how the financing of the profile areas should be developed. The general feeling was that there was now more uncertainty about criteria and the evaluation process, than before the government had given the task. At the same time, it was also said that senior civil servants had repeatedly stated that since the parliament has already decided on the profile areas (when the Research bill was adopted) it is only the details that have to be agreed upon.

One issue that was specifically discussed at the SUHF meeting was the time schedule. The task to the Research Council and the other funders states that they should report on their task by June 1st 2022. The task states that the allocation of funding to profile areas should be possible to implement 2024 (“Arbetet ska inriktas på att möjliggöra ett införande från 2024.”) But at the same time the task also states that the proposal should be linked to the budget proposal 2025 and to the next Research bill in 2024. To summarize, the time schedule is at the moment very uncertain. It seems unlikely that it will be possible to allocate funding to the universities based on their profile areas in the state budget for 2024. But since we do not yet have any more precises information about the time schedule, we will continue with the adopted timeline (see Table 4 in the management rules) until we get some more clarity.

At Lund university we are following the work by the Research Council and the other funders and will actively take part in meetings organized by them and by SUHF. When we get additional information, we will adjust the process and the time schedule at Lund university based on this. But the information that we have at present does not yet give us any reason to change how we proceed.

/Per Mickwitz

Additional information

Uppdrag att vidareutveckla en modell för kvalitetsbaserad fördelning av forskningsanslag. Regeringsbeslut U2022/00168, 2022-01-13

Kvalitetsbaserad resursfördelning – förslag till ny modell, PM, 2021-05-31

January 25, 2022

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Thematic discussion forum about AI and Digitalisation 17 and 31 January

Byline: Catrin Jakobsson

AI Lund has been asked to help out with this process by organising thematic forums in the domain of AI and digitalisation. For this purpose we have booked two meetings in January, i.e. January 31, and January 17.

The 31 January meeting had as most 40 participants and started with an overview of the 20+ pitches that have been made. Some were presented at the January 17 meeting, and some have been sent by mail later. The pitches were grouped into four clusters/tentative themes for LU profile areas that were discussed in breakout rooms with the outcome summarised below.

There are already many ideas and suggestions for such profile areas in different areas related AI and digitalisation.

• AI for a healthy life (medicine/life science)
• AI and human society (social/political science, humanities)
• AI and sustainability (environmental science/climate research/global health)
• Cognition, interaction and systems (AI technologies)

January 24, 2022

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Thematic Discussion Forum: Food – 1 February

Collage of seeds on a fiels and food.

Existing food systems contribute significantly to the major global environmental and socio-economic issues. Sustainable food systems are therefore fundamental to achieving the United Nations Agenda 2030 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An urgent and concerted action for food systems transformation is needed at national and international levels by all key stakeholders across the entire food value chains.

Lund University, with its breadth and excellence, has the possibility to become an important part of this transformation. Lund University’s activities in research, education and external collaboration cover the entire food value chain and the entire spectrum of humanity’s interaction with food – from the cellular level to the experience of eating, health and well-being. This opens new possibilities for interdisciplinary scientific collaboration, technological development, and innovation.

LU Food Faculty and the Northern Lights on initiative would like to invite you to an open discussion on the possibility of initiating a proposal for a profile area in food.

The discussion forum will take place on 1 February, 12:00-14:00, on Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

More information

LU Food Faculty, the all-embracing umbrella of activities in the food system at Lund University, promote research collaborations across faculty boundaries within food related research, innovation, education, and co-creation with external partners. LU Food faculty is setting the agenda addressing societal challenges related to the food system and being the point of orientation for external partners and other stakeholders.

Read more: LU Food Faculty | Food@LU

Northern Lights on Food has been established to bring together food scientists and researchers across disciplines, from both academia and industry, to utilize and develop MAX IV and ESS. MAX IV and ESS will provide tools with unsurpassed spatial, chemical and time resolution that will lead to unprecedented understanding of food structure, processing, health, and taste. The knowledge generated, the unique environment around the facilities, and the skilled experts associated to these unique and world leading infrastructures together with food sector stakeholders provides an unique opportunity to develop an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable food system.

Read more: Northern Lights on Food — LINXS



January 19, 2022

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Upcoming thematic discussion forums in January and February

Colour brush

As a part of the development of potential profile areas, Lund University is organising thematic discussion forums.

The starting point for the profile areas is research, but the aim is for complete profile areas to be formed during the process. They are to be intertwined knowledge environments involving strong research, education, and external engagement. A key aspect is doing something different and being able to state the conditions and ambitions for this. In addition, the profile areas are to be able to demonstrate the intended effects of external engagement (societal impact).

Some of the discussion forums are facilitated by KIA-consultancy (internal consultants within Lund University) as a way of stimulating the discussions about possible profile areas at Lund University. But there are of course other ways to develop ideas for profile areas.

If you are planning to arrange an open thematic discussion forum, you are welcome to advertise the forum on the blog. Please contact Tina Trollås, Research Services (

The thematic discussion forums that are planned so far during January and February are:

January 13, 2022

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Cancelled: Sustainability – discussion forum about profile areas

Photo of solar cells on Kemicentrum. Akademiska hus.


Lund University Sustainability Forum is now welcoming interested researchers to an open discussion forum among “critical friends” to facilitate for the exchange of ideas and finding collaboration partners.

January 3, 2022

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